Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hmong Wrap, Fingernails, and Thumb Sucking

Good afternoon everyone!

I spent a good portion of my morning attempting to shorten Wiggle's nails, which are now effectively claws for scratching and digging into soft flesh. Her face and legs, my face and chest. Yikes! Yesterday I lay in bed hoping to wait for the alarm to shut off (my indicator to get up, lol) and I gave up because wiggle was VERY AWAKE and busy digging her way through my chin skin. Not my favorite way to awaken! For the record, we DO NOT bed share, but usually if she eats between 6:30 and 8, I will let her snuggle with us until we get up.

Wiggle sleeping

Today Wiggle and I experimented with baby wearing. I am working on a new carrier for her called a "hmong" carrier, presumably after the Hmong peoples of Asia. So far, she has hated being in her current wrap for long periods of time unless we are outside. I was hoping to have something I could use when she wants me nearby, but I want to get stuff done. The hmong carrier seems structured enough to not make her feel smooshed while being carried in it, so I am trying out this one. She tolerated it for some time before getting fussy. I am hoping with some minor modifications it will work ok.

One thing I like about this one is that she should be fairly secure on my back. Which will allow for more ability on my part to do stuff. Also with her preference for facing outward, and wraps only being good for inward facing, I am hoping the back one will allow her to feel like she can see what I'm seeing while still pointed inward. Here is a link to some pictures about how this carrier works.

She is very dependent on sucking on my finger to fall asleep during the day. I hope to convert her to her thumb, though no luck yet. She thinks about it, but she still needs the finger. This is what she is currently doing. Ok, now she is crying instead. I better go potty her. More on that later.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Meet Miss Wiggles

Hello everyone! Meet Adelaide! She is our baby. We love her! We like to call her Miss Wiggles and Little Balloon. She is neat.

I'm Amy, and my husband Wayne and I made this gorgeous little human about a year back and were very excited to meet her on November 3rd. That is her birthday! She is now three and a half months old! Wow! She can smile, giggle, coo, roll over and stand a little by herself sometimes (ok, for like 2 & 1/2 seconds). She is pretty talented.

We have created quite the fan base of friends and relatives on Facebook with her antics, so I thought I would create a blog  for those wanting more. I am hoping to have some fun stories about what she is up to and some context for those crazy weird things Mom and Dad are trying in our ongoing education on "How to Raise a Tiny Human." Hopefully it will be fun to look back on in the years to come.

I hope to provide updates on Facebook when I make more posts so it should be easy for y’all to keep up on. Well, baby needs a new diaper (Yup, I heard that poop, Adelaide!) so I better go! Too-da-loo everyone!